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Child Mapping 2025 Instructions and Excel File Link


Nov 24, 2024


Download Survey Excel Sheet From Here CHILD MAPPING SURVEY SHEET 2025

Download Consolidation Excel Sheet From Here CONSOLIDATION CM2025_FINAL_y

Download Age Checking as on 01/04/2025 From Here (Download Age checking File_2025_y)

Schedule for submission of Data to Cluster Head School: 18 December( for less than 1500 entries) 

and 19 December (for more than 1500 entries)

Date for Door to Door survey:- 9th Dec-2024 to 13th Dec-2024


  • It will be cluster head school responsibility to help and coordinate with member schools for error free data submission. Error free data of all member schools will be submitted by the cluster head school.

*(For most of values in Excel Sheet we are providing drop-downs for easy and error free entry)

Also in consolidation sheet we will provide formulas to find our errors and values differences)

Use new excel sheet for entry and consolidation as there are some changes-Do not copy paste from old sheet ,do fresh entry)*

  1. Fill the data in block (capital) letters only.
  2. Enter complete address of the family WITHOUT prefix #.
  3. Date of birth should be in DD/MM/YYYY format. Change the system date in the same format before entering the data. The instructions on how to change the system date is attached herewith.
  4. The age of the child should be considered as on 01/04/2025 and do not consider the

Children born before 01/04/2007.Age should be in complete years, do not mention months, use age 0 for children below 1 year.

Please use bulk auto age calculation facility to check age calculation error if any

    1. Only State of birth should be entered.
    2. Don’t write MR., MRS., SH., SMT. OR LT. (LATE) ETC. before the name of the head of the family, father name and mother name.
    3. Specify the occupation of father and mother like salesman, shop-keeper, fruit-seller, teacher etc. Do not enter private jobs, Govt. Job. Specify particular designation/ job type.
    4. The class of the student should be considered for the current session i.e. 2024-25.
    5. Mother tongue code should be entered for all children of 0 Year to <18 Years age, even of 0 year.
    6. Name and designation of the field investigator must be mentioned in the excel sheet with area allocated.
  • Write the name of a child only whose age is below 18 years.
    1. Enter class If studying or NA if not studying. (Note: for children under age group 3 to 6 years, do not include them in dropouts or never enrolled, if not studying write NA). *Enter class in Roman form i.e. I, II, III…XII, or NURSERY, PRE-NURSERY, BAL-VATIKA. do not add st, nd, rd, th with no. Like Xth, IIIrd etc*.
    2. If not studying and the student is dropout then mentioning class and reason code as per the reason codes provided in the educational survey sheets.
    3. For never enrolled then mention relevant code (consider only 6 to 18 age group) in reason as per the codes provided in survey sheets.
    4. Do not leave any column blank.
    5. Do not add irrelevant words and symbols in excel sheets.
    6. The data entered in the consolidation sheet must reflect the data entered in the survey sheet.
    7. Cluster head schools are requested to make separate sheets for each member school 
  • Enter current data. Modifications in last year data will not be accepted and the concerned school and cluster child mapping in charge will be answerable for that.
    1. Clusters should accept error free (as per instructions) data from the school under their cluster. The whole responsibility of Cluster Head school for correction of wrong data. Cluster schools are requested to provide technical guidance to the schools under their cluster. All queries of cluster member schools should be handled at cluster level.
    2. Mention School Code along with school name.
  •  A new Field Year of Drop out is added (LAST YEAR) in sheet please , it need to fill in case of drop out
  • Cluster and school Child Mapping in charge to ensure the whole area allotted to their school / cluster has been covered, no area to left, some schools are identified for this type of negligence, dept will take it very seriously, please see this.

Some Primary schools are closed due to their merged in Middle / High schools so the area allotted to the may be uncovered, its cluster responsibly to allot that area to schools under their cluster.

Steps to set System Date before entering date of birth in Master Excel file.


Step-1 Step-2
Step-3 Step-4


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